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Empower Your Wellness Journey With These Simple Lifestyle Changes

Empower Your Wellness Journey With These Simple Lifestyle Changes Wellness and self-care are foundational elements for a harmonious existence, blending physical, mental, and emotional health into a cohesive state of being. Setting and achieving wellness goals is vital for a balanced life, allowing you to meet your needs and aspirations with a clear focus. Simple strategies can help you maintain consistency in your pursuit, making it easier to manage daily stresses and challenges. In this article, courtesy of  Redefining The Face  of Beauty , we will explore various methods to enhance your commitment to self-care and wellness. 1. Define Your Path Understanding your personal definition of wellness is essential for embarking on a healthier lifestyle. Start by breaking down your broader goals into smaller, manageable tasks that feel achievable, avoiding the sense of being overwhelmed. Specificity in setting these goals is crucial, as it provides clear direction and focus, making your obj


With obesity being on the rise, many people who are overweight are turning towards surgery as a solution. Weight loss surgery is generally available to men and women who are severely overweight with a high risk for diabetesheart disease and Sleep Apnea. Other risk factors include, high blood pressure, Gastroesopheageal reflux disease and stroke.  Women generally have to be 80 pounds overweight, men 100. Sometimes an individual may be approved for weight loss surgery who does not meet the  above standards if they show signs of current risk factors and developing other weight related illnesses.  Diet and exercise for anyone who is choosing to undergo this surgery, has to have not worked in the past. Weight loss surgery seems like a dream come true for many people who are struggling with their weight. This surgery has near immediate results. The patient generally will lose weight quickly due to the surgery restricting how much the individual can eat. Some operations will not allow the individual to digest as much.

Anyone who undergoes this treatment HAS to change their eating habits. There is a high risk of gaining the weight back plus more, if the candidate does not follow up with a complete lifestyle change with food. According to NIH statistics (National Institutes of Health), within two years,  most people will start to regain all of their weight back. Some people do not understand that weight gain is primarily due to poor eating habits. If an individual chooses to go through surgery but continues with the same poor eating habits that led them  to the  initial obesity, they WILL gain the weight back. Over the course of 10 years, statistics suggest that those who undergo the surgery generally gain between 20-25% of the weight they have previously lost.  It is imperative for those who choose weight loss surgery to receive extensive health counseling and remain active even AFTER the surgery. If you are currently contemplating going through surgery, make sure that you are ready for a major lifestyle change, which includes how you feel about food and exercise. 

 As exciting as this magical surgery may sound, there are numerous risk factors which includes the following:

10-20% of people have to go back to the doctor to correct problems that are due to the surgery. For some people, their lives depend upon going back and reversing the surgery.

Written By: Te-Shandra Haskett, MBA


When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him
 (Isaiah 59:19)."