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Empower Your Wellness Journey With These Simple Lifestyle Changes

Empower Your Wellness Journey With These Simple Lifestyle Changes Wellness and self-care are foundational elements for a harmonious existence, blending physical, mental, and emotional health into a cohesive state of being. Setting and achieving wellness goals is vital for a balanced life, allowing you to meet your needs and aspirations with a clear focus. Simple strategies can help you maintain consistency in your pursuit, making it easier to manage daily stresses and challenges. In this article, courtesy of  Redefining The Face  of Beauty , we will explore various methods to enhance your commitment to self-care and wellness. 1. Define Your Path Understanding your personal definition of wellness is essential for embarking on a healthier lifestyle. Start by breaking down your broader goals into smaller, manageable tasks that feel achievable, avoiding the sense of being overwhelmed. Specificity in setting these goals is crucial, as it provides clear direction and focus, making your obj


Hives (also called urticaria) is a skin disorder that occurs when a person has an adverse reaction to certain allergens, i.e. chemicals in certain foods, insect stings, sunlight exposure or certain medications. Rarely are they caused by a life threatening disease. They can also occur for no known reason at all. Hives affect nearly 20% of people at some point in their lives and they generally appear as red bumps that are swollen or round wheels on the skin. Generally the affected area may begin to sting or itch which can last for hours or a day. In some rare cases, hives have lasted for days, weeks or even years. They can occur anywhere on the skin, including lips, face, tongue, throat and ears. Hives that appear on the throat and the back of the tongue can be very dangerous because it can cause an individual to not breathe properly. Regular hives should not make a person sick, lose weight or become sore. This can also be a sign of a serious problem. Also having night sweats, fever and bruising should never be the result of hives. If this occurs, seek medical attention immediately. The doctor will perform a skin test to see what substance you are allergic to or what is creating your current symptoms. There are several different types of hives which include the following:

Currently, the best treatment for hives is to determine what is causing them. This is not an easy task for most people. In order to relieve symptoms, many doctors will prescribe Antihistamines, which is normally taken on a regular basis to prevent hives. However, if this type of medication does not work, doctors can prescribe oral  Corticosteroids, or an injection of adrenaline. 



"He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor. — Proverbs 22:9 (KJV)."