A cover letter can be an important part of the job application process. The purpose of a cover letter is to explain the contents of other documents (i.e. resume, references, work samples). It is generally included with a resume or an application. Cover letters are not required by all jobs to submit, however, it is strongly recommended that an individual submit a cover letter in conjunction with their application/resume in order to give the employer a better idea of the applicant's personality, career expectations and desires. Also, if done correctly, a cover letter can actually significantly increase your chances of getting the an interview (and possibly an offer) because employers will see you as being motivated and sometimes it takes one extra differentiator in order to convince a possible future employer. Below are a couple of examples of what a cover letter may look like, along with some key pointers about the completion of the resume. (For help with award winning resumes CLICK HERE!). Also there are plenty of template examples included in the additional information.
Cover letter Key Points
- A cover letter should always be personalized to a specific job.
- Never blast out the same cover letter to different jobs. Always strive to change it to fit the job you are trying to achieve. Many companies are able to quickly point out whether or not a potential applicant has tailored their cover letter to them or just simply changed the name at the heading. Although there is nothing wrong for following a specific template, a person should ALWAYS point out specific details for each job they are applying to. Generally you can look into the history section on the employer's website and include something from this section. And be sure to incorporate language from the job description itself into your cover letter. If a job description is looking for someone with experience giving presentations, use the word "presentations" in your cover letter and speak to those experiences specifically. Employers are always impressed because it shows them that you, the potential employee, took the extra time to study their website. While going the extra mile may seem a little time consuming at first, it is actually saving time because personalizing anything is bound to land you that job quickly!
- Introduce yourself first!
- While you do not necessarily need an objective in your resume, a cover letter is different. Any cover letter that is written, should always include what you do currently and the description of the job that you are trying to land. This will show employers that you are serious about the position you are applying for and employers love people who know what they want to do.
- Refrain from being cocky and arrogant!
- Show off your intelligence and willingness to work, but be careful not to overdo it. Everyone has bragging rights, but keep them to a minimum when describing your skill set. Even if you are the most multi-talented person who ever lived, most employers will quickly throw your resume away if it seems to good to be true.
- Use spell check and always have someone to review your standard cover letter before submission.
- Don't use words you do not understand. This just makes you appear silly and pompous. And be careful of overusing "buzz words" (i.e. strategic, forward-looking, results oriented, etc.).
- Leave a valid contact number.
- Make sure that your contact number is up to date. Many people do not realize that they are killing their opportunities because they have invalid or out of date information. If you happen to be sitting around too long without hearing from an employer, go back and make sure that everything is up to date. This includes any website that you may have set up for a job search, such as career builder.