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Stress Unplugged: Transformative Strategies for a Balanced Life

 Stress is an unavoidable aspect of modern life, impacting mental and physical health. However, it is possible to manage stress effectively and improve overall well-being with the right strategies. Various approaches, from natural remedies to professional support, can help mitigate the effects of stress. Understanding the role of family dynamics, social media, and personal hobbies can also provide valuable insights into stress management. By exploring these diverse methods, individuals can find personalized solutions that promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Recognizing Stress and Its Physical Impact Stress can manifest in various physical symptoms that disrupt your daily routine. Common signs include headaches, often caused by muscle tension or altered blood flow, and muscle tightness in the neck, shoulders, and back as your body gears up to face perceived threats. Additionally, stress may lead to fatigue, leaving you feeling draine...

WHY YOUR WRITING SKILLS MAY BE AWFUL...Tips on becoming an author...

Writing is a skill that takes a lot of practice and time to develop. Many authors, including journalists, never wake up one morning and become some of the greatest writers in the world. They may have initially had talent, but every skill must be developed before it can be showcased. If you speak with any professional author, you will probably find that they have been critiquing their skills for years, some without being aware. Whether they intentionally became authors or just fell into it, practice was definitely a part of their success. Some people believe that it does not take a lot of effort to get anything you create heard; this is  a fallacy. Unfortunately, often the most talented writers never get discovered because they post or write a couple of things and if it does not come to pass immediately, they move on.

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead (James 2:17).

In order to be an effective writer, or excel at anything you are doing, it takes time and EFFORT. If you are creative, you probably do not get much sleep and for those who make a living off of what they do, being sleep deprived is a small price to pay. Below are several tips on how to improve your writing skills. Believe it or not, the content of your material is more important than how well you can spell or how grammatically correct you are. Of course, those are extremely significant skills, but they are far from the most important. 

Whether you are writing a book,  article, or a blog, a catchy title is a must! Everyone needs to have something that catches their viewers. For example, if I had a headline that said "how to improve your writing skills", most people would NOT have clicked on this article. But for some reason, whenever there appears to be a form of negativity or an "I can't believe someone would write that," then it draws many more readers. Human beings are inherently drawn to titles that are ludicrous, unbelievable and just plain do not make any sense. But this is okay, because once you get them onto your page, you can switch the button and discuss what you really want to talk about. 

Never just write what you feel like. Becoming successful at ANYTHING requires not being selfish. At least not for the creator. One of the most important rules of any business is that YOU will NEVER run your own business; your customers will. This simply means that you have to go with the flow. If people demand to hear more about Sports, but you usually only write about Flowers, I would highly suggest that you learn about Sports...immediately. Obviously you have the skill to write about it, otherwise people would not be attracted to what you have to say in that field at all. You should be able to showcase your writing skills in any direction required. If someone asked you to write about trees, then the broader your writing skill sets are, the more readers you will be able to attract. 

Writing about what other people want to hear DOES NOT mean you have to give up your morals or the initial message that you have set out to give. It simply means that you have to learn how to incorporate what you want other people to learn into what readers are actually seeking. The best authors or creators are able to do this, not only because it is their gift, but also because they have spent years prior, listening, learning and creating.

"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others (Philippians 2:4)."

This is a biggie. Just because you are extremely intelligent, does not mean that you need to use every big word that you have heard of. NEVER use too many complex words, as this is an immediate turn off or put down for many readers. Many people are not picky when it comes to spelling or grammatical errors, until you start using verbiage they have no clue about. The average person just wants to pick up an article or book and be able to read it easily without the need for a dictionary or thesaurus  Most writers who choose to write this way are either authors of textbooks or people who are trying to prove to the world their intelligence through the use of their words. 

The next time you sit down to write something, pretend that you are talking to a first grader. You may feel foolish doing this but trust and believe that more people will want to read your writings if it sounds more like a Dr. Seuss book than a Quantitative Methods text book. 

SIDE NOTE: If you are trying to write professionally, it is strongly recommended that you start off with a blog and give people a taste of your writing skills. Many publishers and advertisers are more willing to take a risk on work that they have seen traffic gravitate towards, than someone who has a lot written but never showcased it. 

The more you write from an objective standpoint, the more people you will capture into reading what you have to say. It is never a good idea (especially a non-established writer) to incorporate personal viewpoints within anything. The greatest creators  NEVER outwardly showcase their viewpoints. In fact, they will always keep you guessing. It is always better to write from a side that allows others to draw their own conclusion. Of course we all have our biases and opinions, but there are ways to get those opinions across without shoving it down the reader's throat. 

BOTTOM LINE: Your reader should never feel guilty after reading something you wrote. They should remain inquisitive and a great author will always inspire their readers to think, but draw their own conclusion. 

No one is an expert at everything, however, the smartest people just know where to find the expert in a specific field. You are not required to know everything, but, as an author or creator, KNOW WHERE TO FIND YOUR SOURCE. Never chance writing blindly about something that you have no clue about. If it is not your area of expertise, that is fine. Always use subject matter experts to guide your readers to accurate resources. Encourage your readers to do their own research, but never just leave them with what you have to say. Additional resources from other sources will allow them to explore from different directions and most importantly, if you happen to be wrong about a particular issue, your readers are able to be pushed in the right direction. NEVER come across as a know it all. NO ONE KNOWS EVERYTHING....BUT, THE BEST AUTHORS KNOW WHERE TO DIRECT THEIR READERS....

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God( 2 Timothy 2:25)."

Author's Note: Most people become an author by default. It is never their intention, it just happens. Personally I have been writing since I can remember picking up a pen and a paper. I was a huge book worm and I would write everything from poetry to short stories, to silly things. I was also very active in journalism and small local newspapers. I am not a stranger to the word DEADLINE and I do not understand the meaning of writers block. My brain just keeps moving, perhaps because I am actually a musician at heart. 

I had no intention of ever going public with any of the articles I write because I enjoy living an extremely private life.  It just so happened that one day I wrote a blog and the next thing I knew I was here. What began as a hobby to help people became a side job and the demand was something that I never imagined it would be. Sometimes the things that we do to inspire become one of our main sources or a part of our own dreams. And yes, I will definitely have a couple of books out.

So the biggest tip I can give to anyone who is seeking a career to write is to find the overall purpose of your passion. I cannot stress enough how important it is to go after helping others and NOT the money. If you go after the right priorities in life, the money and everything else will follow. 




 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)."